ShoeSecure® is a fantastic new invention to prevent a horse from treading on the heels of it’s front shoes and ripping them off. Losing horseshoes in the field can be a recurring nightmare, the inconvenience of replacing lost shoes and the risk of the shoes lying in the field somewhere with the nails sticking up is a genuine concern.
ShoeSecure® also protects the horse from over reach damage and possible hoof damage which can occur when shoes are ripped off.
Used correctly the ShoeSecure® will last for months. Made from an extremely strong thermoplastic polymer, they are lightweight, strong and durable but still flexible.
Please note: this model is designed for turnout only.
Quick and easy to fit, just hold under the tap to clean. The ShoeSecure® is secured onto the horseshoe with Bespoke SupaStuds with all the patented SupaStud features.
Choice of two sizes.
shoe size 4 - 5 inches - Small
shoe size 5 - 6 inches - Medium
Currently larger foot/shoe sizes can be accommodated with a simple modification to the medium ShoeSecure - contact us for further details
Simple adjustments can be made to accommodate long-heeled, remedial or heart-bar shoes.
Check your horses' shoe size with your farrier.
Full fitting instructions - including a helpful video - can be found at ShoeSecure's website using the following link...
Kit includes a pair of ShoeSecures plus 4 ShoeSecure Studs